Cydia And Substrate iOS 11 / 11.1.2 Jailbreak Update Appears to Come Soon
Posted by 3uTools

We’ve recently had an influx of activity in the jailbreak community. In fact, there has been so much activity that it’s been difficult to actually keep up with what’s been released, what’s been teased, and what tool offers support to which devices and firmware versions.

However, one thing that is evident, is that Cydia and Substrate haven’t been updated to offer iOS 11 compatibilities. At least not yet. Well, if recent speculation is anything to go by, then that could be about to change.

Cydia And Substrate iOS 11 / 11.1.2 Jailbreak Update Appears to Come Soon

Jay Freeman, creator, and maintainer of Cydia has made some public posts on the subject but has remained relatively tight-lipped about Cydia and his plans to offer iOS 11 compatibilities. And, of course, anything that has been said about Cydia and its current state has never included any timescales for when it would be updated and offered as part of the modern jailbreak experience. At least not in an official capacity or from an official and trustworthy source.

However, if recent activity on Cydia in anything to go by, then a Cydia update could be on the agenda sooner rather than later.

Jay Freeman saurik has already confirmed that he is working with some old-school experienced figureheads in the jailbreak community to bring iOS 11 support to Cydia. Now, as mentioned earlier, if you check, you will be able to see that the debs folder date has suddenly changed from a date in 2017 to today’s date. That particular file hasn’t been substantially modified since an arbitrary date in 2o17, but suddenly has been, which could mean that some improvements have been put in place, and likely has something to do with upcoming Cydia and Substrate update for iOS 11.

Obviously, at this stage, this is simply pure speculation and doesn’t mean that a definite update is incoming. However, in a community frustrated by the activity from a jailbreak-perspective but the lack of activity where Cydia and Substrate are concerned, it will cling to any slither of hope that changes are afoot, no matter how small those slithers are. As always, the minute we learn anything more we will bring it right to you. Stay tuned.

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